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Total Track Length : 11.81 ft (3.6 meters)
Dimensions when assembled : 4.66 x 2.30 ft. (142 x 70 cm)
Contents :
- 64161 Chevrolet Corvette C7.R GT3
- 64160 2015 SRT Viper
- 3 x Standard Straight Track
- 1 x Track Junction
- 6 x 1/90 Curve
- 1 x Connecting Section
- 3 x Short Straights
- 1 x Mechanical Lap Counter
- 2 x Wired Speed Controllers
- 1 x Transformer - 61537
- Track Supports
- Guardrail and supports
- Track supports
- Instructions
- Track Connection Sticks
Scale of Cars: 1/43
Frequently Purchased Together

Item: 61510
Inventory: In-Stock

Item: 61602
Inventory: Available, Ships in 7-10 Days

Item: 61600
Inventory: In-Stock

Item: 61601
Inventory: In-Stock

Item: 61614
Inventory: In-Stock

Item: 71598
Inventory: In-Stock

Item: 71599
Inventory: In-Stock